Brick façade specialists Aquarian Cladding have launched Gebrik Modular for the perfect solution for the modular housing market.
The factory-produced panelised system is the perfect solution for buildings under 11 metres and has been the star of Aquarian’s product range for 15 years.
Consisting of lightweight brick cladding panels which are non-load bearing so can be fixed to most common substrates, Gebrik is manufactured offsite and supplied as approximately 1 sq. metre insulated panels which are easier to handle, and clients can choose from approximately 700 different clay finishes in a range of sizes. Thinner wall build-ups with improved U-Values are standard with Gebrik; meaning increased internal space and greater thermal performance.
Each house type is supplied as a kit of parts, making it quick and easy to install. Jazz Rigden, Aquarian Cladding’s Sales Director said: “The modular housing market is perfect for a brick cladding system such as Gebrik and Gebrik Modular will provide designers and customers with a solution that is quick and easy to use and allows them the creativity and flexibility they need to get exactly what they want from the façade.
“It’s made under factory-controlled conditions and supplying it in kit form aligns it with other offsite modular solutions. The manufacturing process and bulk delivery allow modular companies to meet the challenges they continually face in the sector. We counter the low productivity and predictability associated with traditional methods resulting in fewer wet trades and reduced site programmes.”
“By its very nature, modular construction can ill afford hold-ups and relies on a smooth process that cannot afford to break down and Gebrik Modular allows for fast-track construction, meaning the modular process is as simple and smooth as possible.”
Training in Gebrik’s installation takes a fraction of the time when compared to laying bricks and Aquarian Cladding is also providing free-of-charge training for its Gebrik Modular system.
With the increasing demand for new housing across the UK, factors such as weather dependency, time and an ongoing shortage of manual labour, need to be addressed as a matter of urgency and offsite efficiency is vital in doing that.
“Increasingly, construction firms are seeing the sense in working in a more modular and offsite way,” added Jazz. “In an era of rising costs, labour shortages and deep market uncertainty, increasing efficiency is key, so a brick cladding solution like Gebrik Modular is now at the front and centre of up-to-the-minute modular methods of building houses.”
Learn More about Gebrik Learn More about Mechslip Learn More about Natural-X
For more information, call 0808 223 9080, or contact us here!
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